We help the creative industries make magic

We believe you should be looked after, feel inspired, and find wonderful things in a place you call home.

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Classic Prop Hire Company Logo
Classic Modern Prop Hire Company Logo
Number Eight Prop Hire Company Logo

A unique selection of set dressing, props and textiles to hire for films, TV, events and stills.
Our West London showrooms of over 110,000 sq ft are within easy access of all the major London film studios.
We would be delighted to welcome you in our reception where we have fresh coffee and numerous spaces to work from.

Our website contact forms are currently out of action! Please get in touch by email or phone if you need anything! @classicsetdecshop #classicmodern #setsec #britishfilm #propsbuyer #setdesign ...

One suite, three ways.

Our new four piece suite includes a pair of large sofas and matching armchairs. Available in a choice of three covers, choose between damask and floral designs.
Enquire with the Number Eight booking team for current availability.

#numbereightprophire #newstock #setdecoration 
#upholstery #classicprophire #setdec #props
#artdepartment  #prophire #britishfilm #filmandtv 
#propsbuyer #setdesigner #setdesign #britishfilm
#britishfilmindustry  #filmtvcharity 

@filmbase.uk @classicsetdecshop @seasonstextiles

Our homemade sandwiches are made daily by the lovely Fahima and served across Classic, Number Eight and Seasons. We offer new options every week. Wherever you are and whatever you need, we’re here to help!

#classicprophire #setdec #props #artdepartment #numbereightprophire #prophire #britishfilm #filmandtv #propsbuyer #setdesigner #setdesign #britishfilm
#britishfilmindustry #setdecoration #filmtvcharity 

@filmbase.uk @classicsetdecshop @seasonstextiles

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A selection of our new classic stock.

Opening Hours:
8.30am – 5.30pm Monday – Friday
Email: info@classicprophire.com Tel: 020 8571 0182